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Suzuki Studio 2024-25

The brilliancy of the Suzuki Method parallels the way a child learns their Mother Tongue and is based on the three Suzuki Pillars:   Listening, Repetition and Review.  Click here to learn more about the Suzuki Method.

"When love is deep, much can be accomplished." Shinichi Suzuki

Interview Lesson

If you are interested in an Interview Lesson, please contact Jessica for scheduling.  Interview Lessons are $28/half hour and must be paid for 24 hours in advance.  Click here to pay for an Interview Lesson.

Please email for more information or questions about Suzuki Violin lessons.  

Teaching location:  Lawrenceville, GA 

Regular weekly lessons are attended by both the practicing parent and student. Lessons are scheduled based on teacher availability and follows the 18 week semester schedule. 

Kids learn to read music when they are reading ready! 

We work hard and play hard.  Whoever said Deadly Ninjas don't play violin?

Looking at our violin helps us with our violin work.

One of the unique and critical aspects that sets Suzuki study apart from other methods is the design of mandatory group classes. These group experiences with peers reinforce the skills that have been presented in the private lesson. In addition, group classes foster student motivation, community, teaches ensemble skills, provides leadership opportunities and confidence in students.  Musicianship classes present the student with the building blocks to understand music and their instrument --important to the musical growth of a student and a well rounded musician. 

Scheduling is based on a 18 week semester and includes weekly private instruction and a required bi-weekly group/musicianship class. Parent Education, recital participation and piano rehearsals are included for the year.  Yearly tuition includes:  

-36 private lessons
-15 Group & Musicianship lessons 
-3 Solo Recitals (includes piano accompaniment fees)

-Play-In Group Performances

-Spring Festival Group Concert
-Suzuki Day Workshop (January 25
, 2025)
-Parent Education Material


Tuition packages per 10 months:
30-minute lesson + group class   $201.81/mo
45-minute lesson + group class   $278.46/mo
60-minute lesson + group class   $351.12/mo

 Music books, CDs and lesson materials are not included.


The Suzuki Method often requires a hands-on approach for the benefit of the student's learning.

Having visual aids helps students to assess their own work.  And it's a sweet reward at the end!

Talent is not inborn but developed.

Musical ability is not an inborn talent but an ability which can be developed. Any child who is properly trained can develop musical ability just as all children develop the ability to speak their mother tongue. The potential of every child is unlimited. - Shinichi Suzuki

"The heart that feels music will feel people." - Shinichi Suzuki

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